Tuesday, April 6, 2010

peep show

I traveled to DC last weekend to meet the fam half way for Easter. In my hotel room: The Washington Post. In The Washington Post: the most adorable contest I have ever seen ...the 4th Annual Peep Show ...a contest where people make dioramas out of Peeps (side note: Peeps happen to be my favorite because they are marshmallows and i love marshmallows). There were floods of pop culture entries, but my favorites were, ofcourse, the dioramas based on children's books and G-rated movies. Love these:

"The Mad Hatter's Peep Party"
(my personal favorite, obviously)


"Goodnight Peep"

"Up" - the winner!
(& my favorite movie this year)

for photo credits, to see the rest of the entries, & to read more about the contest visit here
oh, & I hope everyone had a blessed Easter!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

This is TOO cute. My favorite one is "goodnight peep"...i remember my mom reading that book to me, and trying to find the little mouse on each page!