Monday, April 5, 2010

hello, yellow

yellow is my my favorite color. here are some things I love that are, well, yellow (of course).

yellow daffodils ...they're here, finally!
yellow doors on red buildings ...& red doors on yellow buildings.

yellow cabs ...especially in the rain

thought: when life hands you lemons, make lemonade
...or put them in a bowl & take a picture.

yellow beach cruiser ...always wanted one and this one's my color

photo credits: flickr
...but I have now officially started a fund to raise money for a big time camera of my own. It's really just a make-shift piggy bank made of an old broken glass and a tag that reads "camera fund" with twenty-three dollars & forty-seven cents in it, but you gotta start somewhere, right?

oh, and the picture behind it? mom & me circa 1989

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