Sunday, August 8, 2010

food & places

My time in London has come and gone way too fast. 5 weeks, 2 suitcases, and 4 pounds later, I am headed home. Yes, despite walking all over London & Paris, the camembert, scones, & chocolate teacakes took their toll. Last night I packed for my return with Julie & Julia playing on my laptop, a glass (make that bottle) of French red, a bowl of olives and, of course, a couple of chocolate teacakes. Watch the movie if you haven’t already (it's sweet & has beautiful takes of Pari & YUMMY food in it ...basically, the chickest flick ever) and, besides the food and the French architecture, pay attention to what’s hanging above the bed in Julie’s apartment. They are framed antique handkerchiefs of different states & I am longing for them to be framed in my apartment …the North Carolina & New York ones, that is. One question: why is it that the Iowa hanky is only $30 and North Carolina has to be $80?

cheers to London!
& see you tonight, America!
xo, em

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